About me

I am a natural language processing researcher at Naver Labs Europe in Grenoble, France, focusing on making recent NLP advances applicable across domains and languages.

Before joining NLE, I did my PhD on deep learning for source code processing at the Centre of Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods of the HSE University, where I was advised by Prof. Dmitry Vetrov, the head of our Bayesian Methods Research Group. I received my Bachelor's and Master's degrees at Moscow State University. My research contributed to the adaptation of NLP approaches to source code, the investigation of neural network ensembles properties, and the sparsification of recurrent neural networks. At HSE, I also taught machine learning to Bachelor and Master students for 6 years and was selected by students for the Best Teacher award 3 times. During 2017-2019, I've been one of the main organizers of the Summer School on Deep Learning and Bayesian Methods.
